Center for American Political Studies (CAPS) Seed Grant

The Center for American Political Studies (CAPS) offers Research Seed Grants to support data collection, research-related travel, or expenses connected with making presentations at professional or scholarly meetings. Grants up to a maximum of $1,000 are available to cover expenses of data collection or travel to obtain research materials; grants up to a maximum of $500 are available to help cover costs of travel to present a paper at a professional meeting or research conference. Students are limited to a total of two of these seed grants over the course of their time at Harvard. CAPS Research Seed Grants are reviewed twice a year, once in the fall and once in the spring. The review deadlines for the 2019-20 academic year are: October 11th, 2019 and March 2nd, 2020. No exceptions will be made to these deadlines. Email your applications to:


Fall 2022
Saúl Ramírez (Sociology): To conduct interviews (transcription, etc) related to U.S. birthright citizens who self-deport to Mexico as children and return to the U.S. as adults

Spring 2022
Leah Gose (Sociology): Presenting "A Dimensional Approach to Understanding Organizationally-Embedded Services and Inequities within the Social Safety Net" at 2022 Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Assoc.

Catharina O'Donnell (Sociology): Presenting "Political Discourse Across the American Social Movement Landscape from 2018 to 2022" at 2022 Annual Meeting of the American Sociological  Assoc. 

Saúl Ramírez (Sociology): To conduct in-depth interviews with immigrants born in Mexico, who were deported, and returned to the United States

Fall 2021
Matthew Brooke (Sociology): Early conservative broadcasting

Joseph Wallerstein (Sociology): How and to what extent society should identify, assist, and govern people who are homeless or lack stable housing

Fall 2020
Leah Gose (Sociology): Local responses to increased hunger in American suburban communities

Spring 2020
Elena Ayala-Hurtado (Sociology): Insecurity and Political Participation among Young University Graduates in the United States and Spain

Nino Cricco (Sociology): Examining How Neighborhoods Shape Race Differences in Police Use of Force

Andrew Keefe (Sociology & Social Policy): How first-generation college students avoid and participate in public interest drift at elite law schools

Michael Zanger-Tishler (Sociology & Social Policy): The identifiability of Jewish individuals based on religious attire in public

Shira Zilberstein (Sociology): Competing Truths: Determining the Trustworthiness of Information

Fall 2019
Hanna Katz (Sociology): Studying university campus police forces

Roland Neil (Sociology): Conference travel funding

Jasmine Olivier (Sociology): Community policing in Boston

Bo Yun Park (Sociology): Changing scripts of political leadership

Spring 2019 
Allison Daminger (Sociology & Social Policy): Who’s Thinking About the Housework? Class, Gender, and the Division of Cognitive Labor

Hanna Katz (Sociology): In Loco Parentis: The Boundary Work of Campus Police

Andrew Keefe (Sociology & Social Policy): Conference travel funds

Abigail Mariam (Sociology): Deciding to Do More: Volunteerism in Local Community Groups

Ethan Raker (Sociology): FEMA Aid

Jared Schachner (Sociology & Social Policy): Neighborhood Inequality and Place-Based Policymaking at Scale: Los Angeles County 2010-2030

2018: Victoria Asbury
2018: Kristina Brant
2018: Bo Yun Park
2018: Jared Schachner
2018: Mo Torres
2017: Robert Manduca
2017: Jasmin Sandelson
2017: Mo Torres
2016: Laura Adler
2016: Kristina Brant
2016: Carly Knight
2016: Nathan Wilmers
2015: Asad Asad
2015: Jonathan Mijs
2014: Asad Asad
2014: James Biblarz
2014: Matthew Clair
2014: Katie Derzon
2014: Kelley Fong
2014: Barbara Kiviat
2014: Carly Knight
2014: Jonathan Mijs
2014: Nathan Wilmers
2014: Alix Winter
2014: Xiaolin Zhuo
2013: Hope Harvey
2013: Anthony Jack
2012: Asad Asad
2012: James Biblarz
2012: Katie Derzon
2010: Anthony Jack
2009: Laura Tach
2009: Van Tran
2008: Christopher Muller
2008: Sabrina Pendergrass
2008: Eva Rosen
2007: Sara Sternberg Greene
2005: Sabrina Pendergrass