Junior Year Timeline and Statement of Intent

2024-2025 Thesis Writers’ Schedule for Junior Year


Fall Term

  1. Attend the Thesis Writer Information Session on November 16th, 2023, 2-3pm (WJH 950)
  2. Develop and refine your thesis idea
    • Start thinking of a topic and how to refine it into a research question. Consider what additional courses you can take (methods or topical electives) that will help prepare you for research.  
  3. Start considering faculty and potential advisors to supervise your thesis


Spring Term

  1. Secure your thesis advisor. You should confirm your thesis advisor by the end of February. Having a confirmed thesis advisor early is crucial to writing a strong Statement of Intent and funding proposal.
  2. Complete the IRB process
  3. Prepare and submit your Statement of Intent (deadline: Tuesday, April 2nd, 2024 at 5pm)
    • See below for details.
  4. Research and apply for summer funding opportunities
  5. Register for the SOCIOL 99A: Senior Thesis Tutorial for Fall 2024.


Summer between Junior and Senior Year

  1. Meet with your advisor in the Spring to confirm your independent work schedule and tasks over the summer.
  2. Collect data and continue reading literature, per the plan you devised with your thesis advisor and submitted with your Statement of Intent.



Submitting Your Statement of Intent:


Tuesday, April 2nd, 2024 at 5pm – Deadline to Submit your Statement of Intent


Submit your Statement of Intent along with your signed Statement of Intent Form.
You can view a past example of an excellent Statement of Intent here.


Your statement of intent should include:  (1) a description of the thesis topic and a specific statement of your research question, (2) a brief description of the research design (what kind of research will be necessary, how it will be carried out), (3) a projected work schedule through the fall term, including summer work if it is anticipated, and (4) an acknowledgment of agreement to the process and deadlines detailed in A GUIDE TO WRITING A SENIOR THESIS IN SOCIOLOGY.


Once you’ve submitted your Statement of Intent and received approval, you will be given permission to enroll in SOCIOL 99A: Senior Thesis Tutorial in Fall 2024. You’re officially a “thesiser!”