Yuval Spiegler

Yuval Spiegler

Doctoral Student in Organizational Behavior
Yuval Spiegler

Research Interests: Workplace inequality; Organizations; Diversity; Performance and evaluation; Big data; FLOSS; Quantitative methods

Yuval Spiegler is a doctoral student in Organizational Behavior and Sociology at Harvard Business School. He is broadly interested in how demographic diversity influences organizational processes. More specifically, Yuval is interested in how spatial diversity and segregation moderate the effect of organizational diversity of outcomes, and how minority-majority status and power dynamics in managerial groups change over time.

Before coming to Harvard, Yuval worked as a software developer in the private sector and completed his Master’s in Sociology from Tel Aviv University, where he studied gender-based differences in promotions in a transparent organization. He is married to Rotem and father to Ella.

Previous Degrees:
BA , Humanities, Bar-Ilan University; MA, Sociology, Tel Aviv University

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