Ziad Wael Munson

Ziad Wael Munson


(Sociology, March 2002)
Thesis Title: Becoming an Activist: Believers, Sympathizers, and Mobilization in the American Pro-Life Movement
Committee: Theda Skocpol (Chair), Kenneth Andrews, Katherine Newman, Robert Wuthnow
Initial Placement: Assistant Professor, Lehigh University
Current Position: Associate Professor of Sociology, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA

I work in the Sociology and Anthropology Department at Lehigh University. I received my PhD in 2002 from Harvard University and my BA in 1993 from the University of Chicago. My professional interests lie in the areas of political sociology, social movements, and the sociology of religion. My current empirical research projects include a study of the organizational dynamics of international political violence, a study of how the abortion issue has realigned party politics, and the impact of the tea party movement on the Republican Party.

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