Ohjae Gowen

Ohjae Gowen

Doctoral Student in Sociology
Ohjae Gowen

Research Interests: family, social demography, social stratification, gender, work and occupations, quantitative research methods

Ohjae Gowen is a doctoral student in sociology. He is also a graduate student affiliate of the Harvard Center for Population and Development Studies and the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs. His research interests center on the intersection of work and family, and its implication for gender inequality, demographic behaviors, and social stratification. Using longitudinal data, his current work investigates the consequences of parenthood for men’s paid and unpaid labor, with a focus on how social context, broadly defined, may condition these consequences. He is the recipient of a scholarship funded by the Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies.


Previous Degrees:
MA in Sociology, Seoul National University, August 2017
BA in Sociology, Seoul National University, August 2015

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