Cierra Robson

Cierra Robson

Doctoral Student in Sociology & Social Policy
Cierra Robson

Research Interests: Race and Ethnicity, Crime and Punishment, Technology and Society, Law and Society, Qualitative Methods

Hailing from Boston, Massachusetts, Cierra Robson is a doctoral student in the Sociology and Social Policy program. Broadly, her research explores how technological advancements both reinforce and revolutionize racial inequality in the United States, particularly within the criminal justice system. Her most recent project explores the companies that make predictive policing and surveillance technologies and the impact these tools have on practices of policing and experiences of criminalization in marginalized communities in the United States.

Outside of her studies, Cierra is the Inaugural Associate Director of the Ida B. Wells JUST Data Lab at Princeton University, where she guides research teams in partnership with community organizations to conduct data-driven, justice-oriented research. She holds a BA in African American Studies from Princeton University, where she specialized in studies of race and public policy and pursued a minor in Technology and Society.


Previous Degrees:
BA in African American Studies (High Honors) with minor in Technology and Society, Princeton University (2019)

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