Aaron Berman Fernandez

Aaron Berman Fernandez

Doctoral Student in Sociology
Aaron Fernandez

Research Interests: Housing, Neighborhoods, Inequality, Social Demography, Suburbs, Immigration, Race & Ethnicity

Aaron Fernandez is a PhD student in Sociology. His research interests lie at the intersection of neighborhoods, housing, and social stratification. His current work examines suburban opposition to the construction of new housing. Through experimental, archival, and quantitative methods he aims to understand how local residents use tactics of informal bargaining and delay to deter building, and what types of development may spur less conflict.

His previous work examined the suburbanization of immigration and how it relates to inequality between immigrants and the US-born. He has also worked as a research assistant on a mixed-methods project examining intergroup contact between Black, White, Mexican, and Indian residents of the Philadelphia and Atlanta metro areas.

Previous Degrees:
BA Sociology, Tufts University

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