Jane Choi

Jane Choi

Doctoral Student in Sociology
Jane Choi

Research Interests: Culture; Inequality; Education; Race/Ethnicity; Social Networks; Qualitative Methods

Jane Choi is a PhD student in Sociology. She is largely interested in the twofold question of how institutions shape our day-to-day experiences and how we use our networks to play out our institutional lives. She has researched legacy and first-generation students at Ivy League colleges, families who are served by Head Start and Early Head Start programs, and parents of pre-K and kindergarten-age children in the New York City School District.

Previously, Jane worked as a Research Assistant in the Family Well-Being and Children’s Development policy area at MDRC and received a B.A. in Sociology from Columbia University. Jane was born in Seoul, S. Korea, grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area, and received her early training as a researcher in New York City.

Previous Degrees:
BA, Sociology (with departmental honors), Columbia University (2019)

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