

The cluster on inequality brings together work in a variety of fields -- on health, education, incomes, housing, families, organizations and meaning making in the United States and beyond. Joined by an interest in the stratifying effects of institutions, culture, political power and history, the Harvard research program exerts a large influence on the sociological analysis of social and economic inequality. In many cases Harvard faculty have set the terms of debates on race and class inequality, and trends in poverty and inequality in the United States over the last half century. Through its connections to the Inequality and Social Policy program, and the Kennedy School, faculty have also been vitally involved in expanding opportunity and improving welfare for the most disadvantaged in American society.

Affiliated Graduate Students

News related to Inequality

Mary Brinton stands in front of a building on Harvard's Cambridge campus.

Gender Equity and Low Fertility in Postindustrial Societies

May 17, 2016

Progress towards gender equality was substantial on many fronts in the decades leading up to the 1990s. Since then, movement towards gender equality has slowed. The gender wage gap has narrowed at a slower pace in the past 20 years, and the same can be said for occupational sex segregation. Postindustrial societies show variation in these patterns and in the consequences that ensue.... Read more about Gender Equity and Low Fertility in Postindustrial Societies