Marion Fourcade-Gourinchas

Marion Fourcade-Gourinchas


(Sociology, June 2000)
Thesis Title: The National Trajectories of Economic Knowledge: Discipline and Profession in the United States, Great Britain, and France
Committee: Orlando Patterson (Chair), Theda Skocpol, Libby Schweber
Initial Placement: Assistant Professor, University of California-Berkeley
Current Position: Professor, Department of Sociology, University of California Berkeley

Marion Fourcade received her PhD from Harvard University (2000) and taught at New York University and Princeton University before joining the Berkeley sociology department in 2003. A comparative sociologist by training and taste, she is interested in variations in economic and political knowledge and practice across nations. Her first book, Economists and Societies (Princeton University Press 2009), explored the distinctive character of the discipline and profession of economics in three countries. A second book, The Ordinal Society (with Kieran Healy), is under contract. This book investigates new forms of social stratification and morality in the digital economy.

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PhD Degree Program (Grad and Alumni only)

Graduate Degrees Awarded (for alumni profiles only)