Katharina Pick

Katharina Pick


(Organizational Behavior, June 2007)
Thesis Title: Around the Boardroom Table: Interactional Aspects of Governance
Jay W. Lorsch (chair), Peter V. Marsden, Joshua D.
Margolis, Jeffrey T. Polzer
First Placement: Post Doctoral Fellow, Harvard business School
Current Position: Associate Professor, Drucker School of Management, Claremont Graduate University

Katharina Pick came to the Drucker School of Management from Harvard University, where she received her PhD in Organizational Behavior. Her research examines the internal group dynamics of corporate boards of directors with a particular focus on the psychology of board membership, speaking-up behavior, and board process in decision making and conflict resolution. Recently, she has written on the subject of boardroom dynamics and board leadership. Other research interests include gender and leadership, role negotiation and social identity in high-status groups, and sense-making and diffusion of deviant organizational behavior.

Alumni category (for alumni profiles only)

Alumni Ladder Track Institution Type

Early Placement (Alumni only)

PhD Degree Program (Grad and Alumni only)

Graduate Degrees Awarded (for alumni profiles only)